Friday, May 15, 2020

Writing a Resume at 40 - Create a Resume That Can Open Many Doors

Writing a Resume at 40 - Create a Resume That Can Open Many DoorsWhat if I told you that if you could write a resume at 40 that you would have more leverage in the job market? Or, maybe, maybe not. But what if you can create an experience statement for yourself and have the ability to use that statement to interview in the future? Your resume will then be a unique resume and that statement will be placed in a separate folder for you to review and peruse when the time comes.Some professionals advise including a listing of your qualifications as well as a list of your previous work experiences and general information about your experience. On the other hand, some people feel that to have a resume that is valuable you must include specifics.For example, I would write a resume or a summary that does not mention that I have two Masters degrees, has worked for my company for seven years and has worked on several projects. People may then try to interview me but they won't know that I have been with the company for a very long time. They may also not know that I went to school for both my Masters and my MBA. All of these things are important in the interview because if you're a trained professional, the potential employer will want to know that you've done the research and considered all of the facts before making your decision.Most potential employers know that you have had numerous jobs and maybe even think that you should have researched more than one different career options. So, if you want to increase your chances of landing that job, go ahead and include more details. However, if you only have one strong point, don't include that statement. Besides, I recommend not going into too much detail and just putting in the basics and moving up from there.There are many career coaches that can help you write a resume at 40. You may want to start by reviewing their suggestions and researching as much as you can about how to write a resume at 40.Most importantly, you need to make sure that you are comfortable and confident during the interview and make sure that you don't embarrass the potential employer. Remember, you will be representing yourself and your resume. Your image needs to be perfect. Therefore, do everything in your power to make sure that it is what you really want.Remember, it's a career opportunity and you want to stand out from the crowd. Always remember that the potential employer has to get the most from your resume and therefore he or she will be screening through a large number of resumes to determine who is right for them.With all of this said, I am very happy that I am able to write a resume at 40. It has given me a head start and the knowledge of some really good opportunities to apply for more positions.

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